What you can do for us

Stopping domestic abuse is the most important thing you can do for us. If you are involved, or know someone that is, get help NOW. Statistic…. ____ blah blah. Stopping this conduct __+______.

Maintaining a shelter to protect battered adults and their children takes time and money. We are always looking for donations, items to help our shelter residents, __full list here_.

_Monetary donations_ help us run our weekly classroom sessions _info_, and providing timely services via _SANE_ and _Legal Advocacy_, upkeep on our building and security system maintenance have recurring costs __link to how we receive and spend money?__.

__Thrift Store__ takes donations anytime it is open. Currently, that is by appointment only. We do/not(?) have a drop box for leaving donations anytime.

We have a solid work environment and are sometimes looking for empathetic employees. __More Info__.